The Cyber Adventures of Charli: A Safe Journey through a Digital World

By Dennis de Caes

Embark on an enchanting adventure through the digital world with "The Cyber Adventures of Charli." This magical book of 13 fairy tale stories teaches kids and parents about cybersecurity in an engaging way. From protecting personal information, social media and using cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence, Charli guides readers through these essential topics. With colorful illustrations and valuable tips for parents, this book is a must-read for families who want to enjoy the digital world safely. Join Charli and discover how to navigate the digital world securely!

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Enter a magical world full of adventure and learn everything about cybersecurity in an understandable way! The new book “The cyber adventures of Charli: a safe journey through a digital world” takes you on a journey through 13 different short stories. Written in a fairytale way, these stories make understanding cybersecurity easy for kids and parents.

From protecting personal information to safely using social media, cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence, each story addresses an important cybersecurity topic that is relevant today.

The fairytale stories with colorful illustrations ensure that children will enjoy these stories while learning how to deal with the challenges of the digital world in an understandable way.

But “The Cyber Adventures of Charli: A Safe Journey Through a Digital World” isn’t just for kids! Parents will also benefit from these stories and will learn important lessons about internet safety with their children.

Protecting digital devices and data is essential in this modern day and age, which is why it is important to know how to protect yourself against the various forms of cybercrime. Charli takes you on an adventurous journey through the digital world and teaches you how to surf the internet safely in a fun way.

In addition to the wonderful stories, the book also contains a separate chapter with a number of important and helpful tips for parents.

must-read for parents and children who want to enjoy the digital world safely!

Are you ready to embark on an adventure? Join “The Cyber adventures of Charli: A safe journey through a digital world” and discover how the whole family can navigate the digital world securely.

Original Title

The Cyber Adventures of Charli: A Safe Journey through a Digital World

Publish Date


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Total Pages







Paperback & Ebook



File Size

29066 KB



Screen Reader


Enhanced Typesetting



Not Enabled

Word Wise


Sticky Notes

On Kindle Scribe

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